Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
More Summer Photos

Thanks for visiting, hope to see you again!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
A Summer Assortment of Royal Photos

We finally worked through the kinks in Blogger this morning. The Queen Mum has been pulling what little hair she has on her head out since 10:30 this Morning!
We decided to keep this entry "light" and published a few casual photos.
We would like to draw attention, however, to HM the Queen's photo in top centre. This is a candid moment, when Queen Emily was meditating on Our Most Beloved Godmother Deb and the House of Taylor, who will be travelling from Houston, Tx. to their new home in Maryland.
All Our prayers are for the safe travel of the Taylor family, and a warm welcoming homecoming!
On www.roseandtheroyals.blogspot.com, Queen Emily picked up the challenge that Missy of Sherwood House proposed to refeal 5 things about herself.
Tomorrow, it will be HRH Prince Brutus chance to accept the challenge!
Until tomorrow, Blogger willing, we shall see you then!
Have a Blessed Day!
Friday, August 11, 2006
The Royal Play House !!!

Queen Mum took out the silver flash box and happily snapped photos as we all played with Our new Play House!
We hope your weekend will be peaceful and rejuvinating for you. We look forward to hours of playtime!
Thank you for visiting, and have a Blessed Day!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Good Day, Our Most Humble Servants!
We wanted to share a few photos of the Young Royals, having their first experience looking out the screen door! HM Queen Emily can make it quite impossible to leave this activity unattended by the Queen Mum, as HM the Queen has a wanderlust about her, and has taught herself how to open the screen door. She has gone missing on a handful of occasions, each time giving Queen Mum the Vapors! Without anyone's knowledge, she has crafted a hole in the screen almost big enough to squeeze her face through. Queen Mum has tried taping the hole with electrical tape and now, duct tape, but it does not deter HM Queen Emily from tearing the tape off and attempting to enlarge the hole. Another tactic of The Queen's, is to simply open the screen door. We have to ask Management of our apartments if there is a way to lock the screen door and solidly patch the screen, because on the nicer days with a breeze, Queen Mum enjoys "airing the flat out" as she puts it. We are most concerned about the fact of Queen Emily's personality that pursues encounters with commoners. We will have to consult with the DOF UK on this matter. Our Director of Fuzza Duzz U.K. Rosie (of course) will best be able to guide us in this most embarrassing actions on the part of the Queen.
We will leave you to enjoy your week-end, as we hope to do ours! Do have a most Blessed day!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Rose and the Royals Site II

Hello, and welcome to our Second Home!
If you have visited at Our Main Residence, you will already be advise of the fact that HM Queen Mum needs to replace the battery in the silver flash box. But we DO have photos that have yet to be posted, which should keep you, Our Loyal Subjects, entertained!
So far, this thing called "Blogger" has not caused Queen Mum TOO much stress today. We apologise for yesterday. Our Beloved Queen Mum is getting on in years, as you may have sumised, and her poor frail nerves can become rattled. She usually responds to a nice soak in the tub and a cup of catnip tea. It IS true, she was plotting to "hit the sherry bottle" as she so crassly phrased it yesterday, but the three of us managed to hide it from her! The bath and the tea did wonders! She retired to bed early, and had a good rest.
The photo of the Young Royals today really shows how HRH Princess Marigold has Grown!
Prince Brutus looks to be contimplating a quick thump on the head of his sister, which usually provokes a rompabout!
We thank you for visiting, as usual! We DO love visitors! Perhaps when the weather breaks across the land, you can join us for a nice Cream Catnip Tea in the Rose Garden? Queen Mum SO enjoys her Rose Garden!
Do have a Blessed Day!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Rose and the Royals

Oh My, are We EXHAUSTED!!! The Queen Mum has been trying to post to this site since early morning!! In frustration, Queen Mum managed to create an alternate site to post Our photos to. It is called Rose and the Royals alternate site, and the address is:
We will be publishing photos on both sites until Blogger is beheaded or comes to it's senses...
We are so pleased that Our Godmother Deb, She Who Must Be Obeyed, is not in hospital but is home resting. We send her endless kisses and puurs for her complete recovery!
Queen Mum now feels the need for a hot catnip bath, for aromatherapy purposes, of course!
Thank you for coming by, as always have a Blessed Day!
Rose and the Royals Alternate Site

Well, Hello Our Loyal Subjects! Queen Mum decided, after doing battle with Blogger for better part of 2 days, to try another tactic, and create a NEW blogsite, as an addendum to our MAIN site, Rose and the Royals. Once the original site is up and running again, Queen Mum will use this site for the additional pictures taken of us that she cannot wait to share with you!
Today, you see Princess Marigold, lovely, dear, having a look out into the Garden, on one of HM Queen Emily's favorite vantage point! Prince Brutus took on a most peculiar stance this morning as he was finishing his morning abolution. The photo of HM Queen Emily is somewhat a casual, non-official photograph, of the Queen enjoying the Organic Catnip that Our Most Favored ML sent to the Royals last week!
The catnip seems to have done wonders to sooth HM's somewhat ragged nerves.
Queen Mum joined her in a 'nip, and oh my! Better than a sherry!
Thank you for visiting our secondary blog! There will always be photos here, since Queen Mum thinks she's a regular Photojournalist with the silver flashing box Our Fairy Godmother Deb presented to Us!
Have a Blessed Day, everyone!